Tuesday, December 9, 2008

untitled and it's ours

weather, the great equalizer, moves over us

I get some strange pleasure in watching the tallest peak in town

Reach up and touch the clouds for me

It’s nothing really, just what happens,

But then so are a lot of things.


I thank God for the goods the earth he created yields.

There is a tree out my bedroom window.

Her hair is up in her leafless branches of winter

And her dress is the stately green and black of her mossy bark.

She dances for me with admirable freedom and faithfulness.


When fires burn in the town square and the children laugh,

Ice skating, holiday market, and delicious sweet things to eat,

I feel a peace and I want to sing.  So I do.

You feel what you feel and you do what do,

Because He is king and He is all we need.

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