Wednesday, December 10, 2008

the rad one

my friend andrew posted some pictures of me on his website.  here is a sample.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

untitled and it's ours

weather, the great equalizer, moves over us

I get some strange pleasure in watching the tallest peak in town

Reach up and touch the clouds for me

It’s nothing really, just what happens,

But then so are a lot of things.


I thank God for the goods the earth he created yields.

There is a tree out my bedroom window.

Her hair is up in her leafless branches of winter

And her dress is the stately green and black of her mossy bark.

She dances for me with admirable freedom and faithfulness.


When fires burn in the town square and the children laugh,

Ice skating, holiday market, and delicious sweet things to eat,

I feel a peace and I want to sing.  So I do.

You feel what you feel and you do what do,

Because He is king and He is all we need.

by Dallas Clayton


You should learn to skateboard.
It is cheap and fun.
It is something you can do when you are alone
or with friends.
Once you learn, you can hang out late at night in parking lots for hours and hours
(and you don’t even have to be high).
Also you can talk to others about skateboarding
and it will make them think you are cool
and they will give you things
like free stickers, or invitations to parties
with lots of guys at them.

If you get good
you can jump over all sorts of things
like cars, and European streets, and statues, and off small buildings.
and people will take pictures of you
which is nice (for later, to show your kids).

If you get really good,
maybe someone will pay you
to take pictures, and make videos of you jumping off all sorts of crap
and they will put you on billboards
and benches where homeless people sleep
and your name will be on thousands of pairs of shoes.
Maybe you will have a video game with you in it
or a TV show where you shoot your friends with weapons.

Or maybe not.

Maybe you will just keep doing it and no one will really care how good you are
and you will just use your skateboard to ride down the street
to buy some beer
when your “old lady” takes off with the car.

It’s up to you I guess.
Like anything else.

But you should definitely learn.
It will be worth it
in the long run.

I promise.

Monday, December 8, 2008

dinner with friends is like a warm hug with food

(My) “Quotes”


I have never been in that situation, myself,

But I would imagine it is something like camping

Out in the North Woods and suddenly

Coming Awake in your tent around midnight

To the horrible snarling and screaming sounds

of a werewolf killing your guard dog

somewhere out in the trees beyond the camp fire.


I rode the absent-minded wave for four nebulous years,

Whistling and waving my way through educational anarchy.

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners

Of whom I am the worst.

So what can I tell you this morning?


There is no serious candidate in (our) party this year

who couldn’t pass for the executive vice-

president for mortgage loans

in any hometown bank

from Bangor to San Diego.



-H. Thompson

-Sufjans Stevens

-Saint Paul


-H. Thompson

--Arranged by Joshua Hancock

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Sinterklaas Day!

yes, today is the Dutch version of Christmas.  it is a weird holiday because it has a blatantly racist character, "Black Pete" involved.   he is the one who actually gives out gifts.  so there are lots of people walking around with their faces painted black.  that shit would not fly back home.  o well, what can you do?  there is a huge tree in the city center and i thing this weekend they are putting in a little ice rink.  all the americans are doing like a secret santa think and making or buying little gifts.  i am, as you all know, scandalously cheap and am just giving away a drawing i did awhile ago along with very short poem i wrote.  i am just excited that i can eat all the chocolate dutch goodies i want today without any condemnation or judgementation (i don't want any comments about that word). 

this weekend will be my last here, and i will be spending tomorrow at my friend's vacation house by the beach.  we will be biking there tomorrow and playing music into the wee-hours of the night.  sounds to me like a great way to end it.  

i will be back in st. louis thursday night.  so i'll run into you all soon.