Saturday, August 23, 2008

some pictures i forgot to post

alex lighting adam's leg hair on fire while james enjoys the show.

i really like this one of chad.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Love's Deity

By John Donne

I LONG to talk with some old lover's ghost, 
Who died before the god of love was born. 
I cannot think that he, who then loved most, 
Sunk so low as to love one which did scorn. 
But since this god produced a destiny, 
And that vice-nature, custom, lets it be, 
I must love her that loves not me.

Sure, they which made him god, meant not so much, 
Nor he in his young godhead practised it. 
But when an even flame two hearts did touch, 
His office was indulgently to fit 
Actives to passives. Correspondency 
Only his subject was ; it cannot be 
Love, till I love her, who loves me.

But every modern god will now extend 
His vast prerogative as far as Jove. 
To rage, to lust, to write to, to commend, 
All is the purlieu of the god of love. 
O ! were we waken'd by this tyranny 
To ungod this child again, it could not be 
I should love her, who loves not me.

Rebel and atheist too, why murmur I, 
As though I felt the worst that love could do? 
Love might make me leave loving, or might try 
A deeper plague, to make her love me too ; 
Which, since she loves before, I'm loth to see. 
Falsehood is worse than hate ; and that must be, 
If she whom I love, should love me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Psalms 3:7&8

7 You have put more joy in my heart 
than they have when their grain and wine

8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep;
for you alone, O LORD make me dwell in

Sunday, August 17, 2008

bikes to the sea

some of the american students rented bikes for the day and rode to the north sea.

action blogging

this is the canal we rode for the 7 km to the sea

Friday, August 15, 2008


here are some first pictures for Middleburg.  they are mostly just snapshsots cuz i have been running on empty for sometime now.  i promise to take some pretty ones soon.
the little supermarket located conveniently across the road.

my view
this is before i got my room and my luggage was locked in an office that i could see into but not get into.  this meant i had to sleep on a concrete floor my first night.

shellie fell asleep with her first beer in her hand.  we had been  up for more than 24 hours already.

Roosevelt Academy University College

Wednesday, August 6, 2008